President - Angela McKinney

The Rotary Club of Enniskillen was founded on 30 June 1955 with 33 founder members and the Charter Number is 809.

The Object of Rotary

Rotary was established to encourage and foster the idea of service as a basis of worthy enterprise.

The Rotary Club of Enniskillen has the Killyhevlin Hotel as its location and, like all Rotary Clubs, runs a number of fundraising events throughout each year. The Club then awards the funds to various local and international charities. If you wish to find out more about us then contact us via our Secretary.

Club Executive

Title Name
President Angela McKinney
Immediate Past President Catherine Robinson
President Elect Ken Rainey
First Vice President TBC
Honorary Secretary Neil Jardine
Honorary Asst. Secretary Roy Crawford
Honorary Treasurer Ken Rainey
Honorary Asst. Treasurer Gordan Jackson

Elected Council Members

Archie Birrell Henry Robinson
Bryan Graham Heather Ellis
Kerr Fulton Peebles Kenny Fisher

Service Chairpersons

Service Name
Membership Services: TBC
Community Services: Gordon Jackson
International Services: Jisbinder Sembhi
Vocational Services: Jenny McCrea
Youth Services: Catherine Robinson
Environmental Services: TBA
Rotary Foundation: John Trimble
Communications: Catherine Robinson
Club Photographer: Roy Crawford
Sergeant at Arms: John Trimble
Speakers Convenor: TBA
Inner Wheel & Probus Rep: David and Yvette Browne

Community Services

The aim of this Committee is to identify and fulfill the needs of the Rotary Club's community, utilising in full, the skills, talents and vocations of the Club's membership. Priority should be given to the ideal of service within the community, acknowledging that, as a provider of funding, Rotary is merely one of many, but as a provider of service it is without peer!

Rotary Foundation

The object of the Rotary Foundation is the achievement of World Understanding and Peace through International charitable and educational programmes. These include Group Study Exchange Visits, Matching Grants, the Health, Hunger and Humanity Grants, Polio Plus, and Ambassadorial Scholarships. The Rotary Foundation is dependent entirely on voluntary donations, the majority of which come directly from Rotarians.

International Services

There is an almost unlimited demand for Rotary involvement to eradicate ill health, malnutrition and deprivation in other parts of the world. This is provided by service and funds. Current projects are listed in the Project Library. Both social (eg Twinning) and formal (eg GSE) contacts provide excellent opportunities to set up joint ventures, helping us to fulfill our object of World Understanding and Peace.

Youth Services

The major responsibilities of this Committee cover the Youth Exchange Programme, including school year exchanges, camps, tours, handicamps, youth exchanges, Interact and the achievements of young people generally through various projects.

Founder Members

President: Cecil Whaley Harry Jones Martin Lindsay
Vice President: David Devine Jim Nawn John Mount
Hon Treasurer: George Warren Jim Malone Gregory Magee
Hon Secretary: Noble Connor Val Rodgers John Kerr
Billy Maxwell Alex Elder John Allen
Jack Hughes Bertie Pierce Willie Bryson
Jack Maguire Harry Burke Lister Dawson
George Leake Hez Appleby Jim Menaul
Bertie Trimble Edgar Braken Crawford Little
David Clarke George Breen Robert Nelson
Sam Burnside Benny Stewart Derek Hart

Past Presidents 1955 to 2000

1955-56: C.D. Whaley* 1970-71: H.A. Burke* 1986-87: S.C. McBride
1956-57: D. Devine* 1971-72: J. Regan* 1987-88: A.J.C. Cooper*
1957-58: W.E. Trimble* 1972-73: H.I. Brown* 1988-89: A.E. Steele
1958-59: J.J. Maguire* 1973-74: C.G. Sloan* 1989-90: D.H.Weir*
1959-60: J. Hughes 1974-75: R.H. Houston 1990-91: T.W.Clayton*
1960-61: N.J. Connor-Johnston* 1975-76: C.G.C. Whaley 1991-92: H.W.West*
1961-62: S. Burnside* 1976-77: W.G. Wilson* 1992-93: W.R.Scholes
1962 : L. Dawson* 1977-78: W. Thomas 1993-94: C.T.Stevenson
1962-63: J. Malone* 1978-79: C.M. Mack* 1994-95: M.J.I.Kee
1963-64: F.S. Hart* 1979-80: J. Storie* 1995-96: R.A.D. Kells
1964-65: H.T.C. Darling 1980-81: J.P. Gilmartin* 1996-97: P.M.C. Little
1965-66: R.E. Bracken* 1981-82: J.E.C. Fawcett 1997-98: J.D. O'Connell
1966-67: E.C. Ferguson* 1982-83: J.R.Hanna* 1998-99: A.H. Rasdale
1967-68: P.H. Rodgers* 1983-84: R.B. McCartney* 1999-00: J.E.T. Mulholland
1968-69: J.C. Little 1984-85: W.J. Taylor* * Denotes deceased.
1969-70: I.G. Brown* 1985-86: H.O.E. Follis*

Past Presidents 2000 to date

2000-01: D.G. Hamill 2001-02: G.W. Jackson 2002-03: A Birrell
2003-04: P Greene 2004-05: J Trimble 2005-06: D Mathews
2006-07: J Chestnutt 2007-08: N Coalter 2008-09: T Harpur
2009-10: J. McCrea 2010-11: Alan Cecil* 2011-12: C. Beattie
2012-13: K. Fisher 2013-14: R. Crawford 2014-15: A. McKinney
2015-16: K. Rainey 2016-17: K. Fisher 2017-18: H. Robinson
2018-19: S. O'Reilly 2019-20: J. Sembhi 2020-21: H. Ellis
2021-22: C. Robinson

President Angela